Candle Magick: The Usage of Colors
Hi there beautiful souls. My name is Whitney, and I am the owner and founder of Intentions with Whitney. I wanted to make a quick reference guide to help all those who are practicing or new to their candle magick journey. I have created a cute little spreadsheet for all those visual learners out there (see below). So, let’s get straight to the point and discuss the different uses associated with different candle colors.
First and foremost, let’s just start with WHY we’re using candle magick to begin with. Well, the obvious (or maybe not so obvious) fire is a very fast element, therefore producing very quick results. It is important to note, that while many results may appear quickly, rituals must be maintained so the effect of the manifestation can last. Now that we know fire produces quick results, we can save the rest of the lesson for our Lecture videos which you can find on YouTube and our private fans subscription pages.
Candles have been used for centuries creating powerful results. In modern day, we have the luxury of having many different items and crafts that our ancestors did not… I want to take a moment to remind you, the reader, that the magick lies within you, it always has, and it always will. If you are not able to afford the colors we are speaking of, make note that a WHITE colored candle is all purpose, and with proper intent and focus, it can hold the same strength and power as a colored candle.
Candle Colors for Manifestation
Red- Red is a powerful and seductive color, reigning in authority and vigor. This color is great for protection, romantic sexy and passionate love affairs, sex, vitality, and strength. This is also a powerhouse for defense work, and hexing. Remember intention is everything, this candle can be used as you desire.
Orange- This beautiful feel good color is an attractor for positivity, creativity, and overall success. You can see your business matters, communications, goals all come to pass with this color. It also is beneficial for removing obstacles and bringing in opportunities.
Yellow- Similar to orange, with the feeling of a “feel good” mood, this color comes and brings joy, peace, harmony, mental alertness and cognitive ability, it brings an energy of good fortune and favor as well.
Green- Just like the greenery we see in real life, this candle color can produce, expand, and create real change. You can attract wealth and financial gains. Fertility and growth (inner, spiritual, and physical), luck, prosperity and healing.
Blue- This beautiful color brings an instant calmness and clarity to the owner. This candle is also great for communication and healing of all sorts. We have often seen this color associated with meditations and spiritual healing or connecting. This candle is also great for overall healing, restoration, and rejuvenation. This candle has also had much success when doing court or judicial workings.
Purple- Think of power when you think of purple. This color comes in and commands, controls, and sets the authority over the work you are doing. This color is exceptionally good and ideal for all spiritual work, this is also a great color for domination, command and controlling forces, power, and strength.
Pink- This pretty color brings in the feelings of love, and the awesome part is it can be used for self-love or romantic love. This color has also shown great success when wanting to “sweeten the situation” around you… so this color is good for money, friendship, fidelity, commitment, attraction, and beauty.
Black- This controversial candle gets all the respect in my book. Many practitioners choose not to work with black candles; however, I advocate for it. With black candles you can set up protection, grounding, removals and cleanses… but you can also hex, curse and create damage as well- you decide.
White- As mentioned earlier, this is the all-purpose candle. So, if there is no colors around you this would be your go to. White symbolizes purity and can also be used as an offering to your guides as well as a grounding force. Healing and rejuvenation possibilities are present with this color.
Gold- This is my favorite color, so I may be a bit bias… In my experience this color has been deemed magick itself. It is fantastic for all things success, favor, fortune, prosperity. It is also great for adding power and amplifying the work that is being done. I always recommend a gold candle especially for something you really want to come into fruition asap.
Silver- I have seen great things happen with Gold and Silver mixed. Silver holds the feminine energy, the divine source where you can let go and let the Divine. This candle color is great for women’s needs, protection, manifestation/ spiritual work and working with the energy of the moon.
Brown- This grounding color is known to help with just that, grounding. It is also beneficial in meditation and energy clearing and cleansing work. I have seen effective results when using this color with legal or judicial matters. This color can also relate to health and pets/ animals.
Double Action Candles- There are many different colored double action candles, and the two in the picture are an example of what you can use them for. Again, I want to be clear this is NOT an item you need. Get creative and pair a white and black chime candle together… basically I’m saying do what you gotta do. Once you know the uses of the colors (from above), and you know what you desire to manifest simply purchase (again, not necessary- or mix the desired colors together. For example, I LOVE and live by green and pink candles for MONEY and success. I’ve seen great results with these two mixed- try it! Mixing the two colors together amplifies the strength and desire of each.
Multi- Colored Candles- These candles can come in 3, 4, 5, etc. colors. Again, similar to the double action candles- know what the colors can do, know your intention and manifest away. Multi- colors give you an amplification and “umph” so to speak with your rituals. These aren’t necessary, but they sure are cute lol. Also multi-colored are really great for all things success and chakra healing/ alignment.
Things to Consider
Feel the candle out. Feel your desire out. What do you want? Knowing this, allows you to know which materials you will need that will produce the best results.
Don’t overthink it. If you want to do a money spell, but you only have a yellow candle- make the candle work for you. Remember, your intentions, will and focus are your power- sure, the candles add a modern spice with symbology, but you can do this solely with your thoughts if necessary.
Again, do not be afraid to substitute colors. No one can tell you how to do your magick. If something is calling you, or feels right USE IT.
Message from the Author
Hey guys, I hope you liked my little run down on candle colors. Feel free to search around for other helpful information. Also, if you do not see something that you are searching for, or if you would like me to cover a topic that has not yet been discussed please feel free to send us an email at
Also, in the meantime for more educational tips, tricks and teachings please feel free to subscribe to our social medias and subscription-based accounts. Many Blessings to each one of you- Whitney